Song Streaming Services

 Recently I went on a loooong road trip and naturally had to determine what music to listen to. 

Music is very important media- it helps us shape our emotional responses, help with meaning-making, and allow for another method of communication. We frequently look at our music in terms of content, but ever since our music lecture, I have been contemplating the idea of methodology. How does accessibility and preference affect our music choice

On my road trip, I decided to test this out. 

I had to figure out which app was the best for me. Here's what I found:

  • Spotify - connectivity
  • Pandora - variety
  • YouTube Music - exclusivity 

They each had something to offer but I noted that my music taste changed with each due to convenience and what I already had saved. With Spotify I chose to listen to what was pre-saved (2000's music), Pandora I chose to search for something new so I picked a song I wanted to hear in hopes to find more like it (country music), and finally YouTube Music to pick music my sister and I could belt together (mostly Beyonce). 

In the end, I wanted less of a hassle, so I went with faster streaming & the endless library of Spotify on the way home. I also was able to download more music and that helped add to my variety. Spotify overall seemed to be the best of both worlds and what I was more in the mood for musically as I could still belt things out but not have to search up each song I wanted. 

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  1. This is such an interesting post, Kate! I love how you thought about and took the time to compare the different streaming services. That's one of the things that is difficult about media today is that there are so many options. But I agree that Spotify is one of the best ones!


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